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The goals of the Pre-Kindergarten program are to continue to foster social-emotional growth; assist students’ development of both fine and gross motor skills; develop the academic foundation in language arts, math, science, and social studies that will get them ready for Kindergarten; and most importantly, to have fun as they play, laugh, explore, create, and learn!

Language Arts

The Alpha Time Curriculum is Pre-Kindergarten’s guide to a multi-sensory beginning language arts program. Children will learn through active participation. The program focuses on language development, phonemic awareness (oral as well as written language), and connection between spoken and written language.

Language arts lessons and activities are taught to the entire class as part of circle and group time. Children will receive individual reading and phonic instruction based on their individual levels during small group activities. All children will participate in a variety of writing activities throughout the week based on the letter being taught. They will engage in discussion expanding their vocabulary based on the reading materials that are read aloud. They are encouraged to use their imagination to dictate words, sentences, and stories. The children will begin to make connections between spoken and written language as they start to identify letter sounds and sight words.


During the day, competence in math is built using a myriad of approaches. The key components of math in Pre-Kindergarten include:

1. Number Concepts

  • Counting to 100 and counting by groups of 5’s.
  • Counters and manipulatives are used to visualize and represent numbers.
  • Finger play, songs, and rhymes help develop rote counting skills.

2. Patterns and Relationships

  • Recognizing and analyzing simple patterns; Copying and creating patterns; Making predictions by extending patterns; Using a calendar, manipulatives, paintings, and board games.

3. Geometry and Spatial Sense

  • Recognition of shapes and structures in the environment.
  • Expression of knowledge of two- and three-dimensional shapes using pattern blocks, drawings, and cut artwork.
  • Spatial sense is gained as the children become aware of themselves in relation to the world around them.The opportunity to manipulate objects and shapes will teach the Pre-Kindergarten children location, relative position, movement, and distance.

4. Measurement

  • Using hands-on activities and materials, the children learn concepts such as longer/shorter, heavier/lighter, and faster/slower.

5. Data Collection, Organization, and Representation

  • The students will be involved in sorting, classifying, counting, measuring, and comparing objects.

Social Studies & Skills

Children begin to explore, understand, and represent their physical characteristics and their relation to their own family and community. They make connections with geographical distances to familiar spaces, through drawings, art projects, and dictated text. Socialization is an integral part of a Pre-Kindergartener’s world. We encourage imaginative play and respect for oneself and others. Good manners, turn taking, and listening skills are demonstrated throughout each day. Building friendships and appropriate problem resolution are modeled during structured work as well as play activities.

We focus on the past, present, and future in relation to holidays, special events, and birthdays. The students actively participate in discussions during reading and storytelling time. Art projects connect and integrate the special events using the children’s creativity. In addition, the students learn about time from the daily predictable routines that have been established.


Pre-Kindergarten students learn science through exploration using a variety of materials. The students observe, experiment, and manipulate various objects. Topics covered include but are not limited to:

  1. Life Science: Personal hygiene; Grouping animals based on their physical characteristics and environment.
  2. Earth Science: Earth, weather; seasons; Plants (gardening); and Recycling.
  3. Physical Science: Magnets and Ramps.